Charlie Parkerson Virtual
Student Research Competition
October 14, 2020, 2 pm EDT | 6 pm UTC
Join us to learn, support, and cheer on our students. Register here.
October 28, 2020
9 am-12 pm EDT | 1-4 pm UTC
Presented by the IPPS Southern Region of North America
9:00 am EDT | 1:00 pm UTC
9:15 am EDT | 1:15 pm UTC
Tips and Tricks for Propagating Difficult to Root Species
Dr. David Creech, Stephen F. Austin State University, Texas, USA
A lifetime of sticking a wide range of woody and herbaceous cuttings condensed into twenty minutes. Every batch of cuttings is a brand-new story and a myriad of variables influence successful rooting. Time of year, hormones (powder, solution, or gel), mist propagation, bottom heat, heated mist, substrate drainage, light (intensity and photoperiod) and the character of each cutting is a determinant. For difficult to root species, the best propagators are constantly experimenting to find the correct timing and protocol that leads to successful rooting.
9:40 am EDT | 1:40 pm UTC
Designer Genes, Designer Redbuds: 20 Years of Cercis Breeding
Dr. Dennis Werner, J.C. Raulston Arboretum, North Carolina State University, USA
Dr. Werner will summarize the accomplishments made in the redbud breeding program over the past 20 years, review the most recent cultivar releases, and discuss the goals of the program moving forward. He will also discuss some of the fascinating mutations in redbud, and how they interact biologically to allow for the creation of new and novel forms.
10:20 am EDT | 2:20 pm UTC
Charlie Parkerson Virtual Student Research Competition Winners
IPPS Southern Region offers awards for original research results pertinent to the production of horticultural crops in the southern USA. In past years, the student’s have reported on many aspects of horticulture – macro and micropropagation, rooting hormones, new substrates, herbicide movement in runoff water, and weed control in nursery production. You may also join us on October 14 for the live competition. Learn more and register here.
10:30 am EDT | 2:30 pm UTC
Tour of Nurseries in/near Athens, Georgia, USA
The IPPS Southern Region Annual Conference will be hosted in Athens, Georgia in 2022. Today we feature a few of the highlights from the area.
10:50 am EDT | 2:50 pm UTC
Tour of the Dirr Garden and Premier Introductions, Inc.
Best Performers and Those to Come
Dr. Michael Dirr, Chestnut Oak Farm and Premier Introductions, Inc., Georgia, USA
Legendary plantsman Dr. Michael Dirr shares insights on new plants from his home garden and breeding facility, Premier Introductions, Inc. This informative tour will inspire everyone to look for new varieties to grow in the seasons to come.
11:30 am EDT | 3:30 pm UTC
Mobile 2021 Annual Meeting Preview
The Mobile, Alabama preview tour will get you excited for our 2021 meeting! Thanks to videographer Jim Putnam of Horttube for creating these virtual nursery tour experiences for IPPS Southern Region.
11:55 am - 12:15 pm EDT | 3:55 pm - 4:15 pm UTC
Post-Summit Networking
6:30 pm EDT | 10:30 pm UTC
Southern Region Member Happy Hour
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Program registration is FREE when you register in advance.
Only IPPS members will have access to program recordings. Become an IPPS member today.